Third Demension and Game Design Portfolio

Photoshop, Unity 2.x, Microsoft Visual Studio, Online Images from: DeviantArt, TheSpritersResource, & TextCraft
This is a story of rookie Pokémon farmer (can be male or female) was busy tending their plants, their farm Pokémon and creating goods to save their farm from eviction. Their goal was to earn 10,000 Pokémon Dollars in seven days to save the farm. They also plan to be the best Pokémon farmer by properly grow berries, craft goods, and care for their Pokémon so they can get important materials to sell. There will be hardships in the farm if the rookie Pokémon farmer is not careful enough.
This work was close to a remake of Stardew Valley's game mechanics but reimagine as the Harvest Moon game. This work mostly focus on C# skills. This work was to see how I can code mechanics in C# and how close the mechanics are to the mechanics of Stardew Valley.
The sprites are from online and is it used for practice only. I give credit to the owners who develop the sprites. I develop C# codes for making the walking mechanic, creating an inventory, to making a working day and time mechanic.