Third Demension and Game Design Portfolio
“Ropeslinger the Game”
Autodesk Maya, Photoshop, & Unity 2.x
I worked with a group of four people to created a year-long Capstone project of a porotype 3D game.
The story of the game is about the futuristic age of advanced cyberspace exists the neon city of Glusto. In this era of technology came a boom in the industrialization of digitizing anything as close to reality as possible. Chris Dangerous is a successful stunt performer who has great competition due to the boom of advanced stunt simulations. People are now into digital performances that far surpass what humans are known to be capable of. Chris values his death-defying stunts and wants to prove to the whole world that his stunts are better than mere imitations. Since his performances compete against the business of the Simulation Industry (SI) they have it out for him.
Chris breaks into their lab facility and steals SI’s secret weapon, the neon rope. He then becomes the neon rope slinger and heads to Neon Nightclub to hang low but is then ambushed by SI goons. After defeating all the goons, he heads to Chineontown to show the city his new rope stunts. Chris is then attacked by more SI goons and is followed all the way to Downtown Glusto. Here he beats the goon’s numbers and makes his way to SI’s Warehouse to shut down their business for good. He beats every goon inside and destroys the warehouse. SI goes bankrupt from the damages and money lost from the destruction of their warehouse. With SI’s plans foiled Chris takes over Glusto with his shows being deemed as the city’s greatest stuntman shows in business.
I was in charge of creating all the assets, some parts of the level design, and the characters of the game. All assets and textures were created in Maya. The texture of the dance floor, helicopter pad, and the lab machinery was created in Photoshop.
Credits goes to the original owners whom created the neon light signs.

Different Levels


Loading Screens

Lab Assets

City Assets

Nightclub Assets